
End of Year Reflections

2020 has been a challenging year. So many things have taken place all over the world that have made us sit up and ponder ‘what it all means’. We have had the opportunity to reassess what really matters to us.

From both a work and home standpoint, there have been massive changes brought into virtually every working environment and significant modifications as to how we interact, suggested as necessary to help halt the spread of covid. Unimaginable pain has been borne by those who have had to deal with loss of loved ones, livelihood and most of us have had to make major adjustments to our way of life.

I am grateful to have reached the end of the year safe with my family and friends. I am earnestly looking forward to having a meaningful and productive 2021.

I look forward to resolution of this pandemic and celebrate the advent of the covid vaccination programme. With this optimism it is proper to realise that difficult times still lie ahead. I am confident we can get through this together.

In this coming year, I would like to focus on seeing how I can be more effective as a person, a husband and father, a medical practitioner, a colleague, a friend , a support, a mentor, an innovator and someone who is making a positive difference. Key to this process is building of relationships with people with whom I can learn from, contribute to, grow with and have a positive impact on.

Of the many things for which I am grateful in 2020 for is the opportunity to get connected with so many wonderful people on the LinkedIn platform.

I hope in 2021 to develop more relationships and am looking forward to associating and working with lots of people.

Happy New Year everyone!