

Prayer is a powerful tool to use daily in your work. God listens and cares! Jesus taught us to pray that Gods will be done on earth on our lives. God is the God of compassion. Prayer works best when we let ourselves go and just say ‘Lord I need You!’ The essence of prayer is talking with God & allowing Him to talk back to you via a witness in your spirit. “Cast all…

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Wife Tips for Marital Fulfilment

We can all relate to different seasons in our marriages – times when everything is just how we would want it, and other times when it seems as if the world around us including situations and individuals are just ‘not helping’. A good husband should always be able to make things better, not withstanding that he may have been the source of frustration to start with! In difficult times we need to allow God’s grace…

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Husband Tips For An Enduring & Blissful Marriage

By the grace of God we mark the twentieth anniversary of our marriage later this month.  The memory of the day we said ‘I do’ on the sunny summer afternoon in North London, UK remains fresh in our minds. We do not take lightly the milestone we have attained considering that the statistics for marriage survival in the UK are not very pretty. According to statistics published in 2012, 42% of marriages in England &…

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