


We feel so privileged to be able to do what we do. Our recent Gospel Concert on 7 September 2019 at the Central Baptist Church in Norwich went down well. There is always a buzz when we stand before an audience or in front of an assembled group of worshippers to lead in song or give a word of encouragement. Reflecting on what our gospel concert actually does, there are several aspects that are worthy…

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A Happy Marriage – What you and your spouse deserve

Happy marriages last. They do not end in divorce. They are strong and stand the test of time. Happy marriages lead to the establishment of happy homes. They constitute an immeasurable source of unending satisfaction and wellness for husband and wife. They provide the foundation for a stable society. Children from happy homes are more likely to grow into happy balanced individuals than children from unhappy and dysfunctional homes. We owe it to our children…

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Make a difference 

We are in the midst of a really challenging period in the history of mankind. Questions are constantly being asked about the meaning of life, what the purpose of our existence really is and how we all fit into the bigger picture.  It is clear that the environment we find ourselves in has a huge role to play in our outlook on life. Factors such as age, gender, ethnic origin, geographical location, family structure, wealth…

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New Year 2017. What will help you achieve your goals.

Also called – The 5 Ds of success As last year was drawing to a close many folk were making promises to themselves and others concerning what they would achieve in the new year.  The year is well underway , first week already gone and we are quickly discovering that it may seem that the realisation of the goals and aspirations is proving a little more challenging. It is important not to panic and resist…

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